Renaissance Art Viewed Through Archway Cross on Cloud Red Flag

Crimson Cross reps dish on the things they wish people knew, from preparing to give blood to responding to disasters.

They do fashion more than host blood drives

Allow's be honest: "When people think about the Red Cross, they usually call up of the arrangement responding to large disasters similar hurricanes or hosting blood drives in their local communities," says Greta Gustafson, spokesperson for the American Ruby-red Cross. "However, the Scarlet Cross does much more than just that."

For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they've been recruiting recovered patients for plasma donations, assessing the antibodies to meet if the convalescent plasma could provide a treatment for the illness caused by the virus. From providing CPR and first aid training courses to sending specialists to work with disaster survivors, to preparing families for military service, the Scarlet Cross'due south impact reaches far beyond your local blood drive. Get a await at these photos of the virtually inspiring Reddish Cross rescues ever.

You don't need to know your blood blazon to donate

Over 53 percent of people believe they need to know their blood type earlier giving blood, a 2018 national survey found. But according to Jessa Merrill, spokesperson for the American Red Cross, that is simply not truthful. "We need donors of all blood types to ensure a sufficient supply for patients," she says. One time y'all donate blood, you tin can acquire your blood type by creating a profile through the Red Cross Blood Donor App or requesting to receive a claret donor card. Here's why O is the most common blood type.

Alexa can schedule your side by side blood donation appointment

Signing up to give blood has never been easier. Long gone are the days of putting pen to paper; now, eligible donors can make an engagement from the comfort of their own homes. Schedule a blood donation by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting, or calling 1-800-REDCROSS (i-800-733-2767). Co-ordinate to Merrill, yous can likewise enable Amazon Alexa's "Cherry-red Cantankerous Blood" skill via the Alexa app and find a nearby blood drive past proverb "Alexa, find a blood drive." From there, you tin book an engagement.

They install free smoke alarms

At the Red Cantankerous's "Sound the Alarm" events, volunteers team up with local burn down departments to sail neighborhoods in at-risk communities across the country, installing complimentary smoke alarms, replacing dead alarm batteries, and instruction fire safety to residents. This effort has already saved over 580 lives nationwide, Gustafson says, and that number will only abound as the discussion spreads. She suggests visiting to learn how you can join this year's campaign in all 50 states. Find out some more things firefighters wish y'all knew.

Their apps could save your life 1 solar day

Emergency situations can occur when you least wait them—and unless you are a medical professional, it's not always clear what you should do if you encounter one. Luckily, both the Red Cantankerous Offset Aid app and the Emergency app can evangelize lifesaving information right to the palm of your mitt. These tools offer step-by-step outset help instructions, prophylactic tips for astringent atmospheric condition like tornadoes and hurricanes, and more. To download them, search for "American Red Cross" in your telephone's app store or get to

Always go on an emergency preparedness kit handy

Don't have an emergency kit? It'southward fourth dimension to brand one. Non only tin can it store start assist items like band-aids when yous're in a pinch, but it could likewise salvage your life in a true emergency. According to Gustafson, "your emergency preparedness kit should contain nutrient, water, and other basic supplies for each family unit member to final at least three days." She also suggests including medications, copies of important documents, and special items like toys for children and pets.

Donating money actually does help in a disaster

Disasters tin strike anywhere and at whatsoever time—COVID-19 has made that clearer than e'er. With a fiscal donation, y'all tin can assistance the Reddish Cross provide relief to disaster victims around the world and in your ain backyard. "Donations are used to set for, respond to, and aid people recover from disasters big and modest," Gustafson says. "This includes providing nutrient, shelter, relief supplies, emotional support, recovery planning, and other aid as well as supporting the vehicles, warehouses, and people that make that help possible." These are the useful ways you can help after a natural disaster, too—besides donating dress.

Simply 3 in 100 Americans give blood

When it comes to giving blood, "the most frequent fault that people make is that they just don't," according to Merrill. In fact, merely three out of 100 people in the U.s.a. donate blood, she says. However the Crimson Cross estimates that i in vii hospital patients demand a claret transfusion, from kids contesting cancer to new moms recovering from complicated childbirths. That can add together up to most xiii,000 units a day, according to their website. When push comes to shove, every drop of blood counts—and yours really tin can make a departure. Specially right now, as people take been (rightly) staying home for months, the Ruby-red Cross is in need of donations. Claret drive facilities are taking utmost precautions, including temperature checks and mandatory confront masks, to make sure that employees and donors stay safe.

blood bags plenoy one thousand/Shutterstock

Sleep and eat well before donating blood

Earlier arriving at your local blood drive, experts say it's important to balance up and grub down. Getting a adept dark'southward sleep, eating a heart-healthy meal, and hydrating alee of your scheduled appointment will assistance the entire procedure go more smoothly. Merrill suggests that donors drinkable an extra four 8-ounce glasses of fluids and eat nutritious foods rich in atomic number 26 and vitamin C—such equally ruby-red meat, fish, poultry, beans, and spinach—earlier giving claret.

Yous're more than probable to lose your dwelling house in a fire than win the lottery

Two in 5 people believe they are more likely to win the lottery than lose their home to a fire, according to a recent survey by the Crimson Cross. Simply the reality is quite the opposite: The odds of winning the lottery are one in millions, while the chance of dying from exposure to burn down or smoke is virtually one in 1,500, Merrill says. To go on you and your family unit safe, Gustafson recommends checking your smoke alarms once a month and practicing a fire escape plan at least twice a year.

Plan and practice a family emergency procedure

Most people don't think virtually preparing for an emergency until it's too late. That's why Gustafson recommends reading up on common disasters or emergencies in your surface area, finding out how to become in bear upon with local officials for information, and taking first aid and CPR courses ahead of fourth dimension. You should likewise make a plan with your family in example yous are separated, coordinating information technology with your child's school, your work, and your community's emergency plans, she says. To go started, learn how to survive just about anything.

Got the sniffles? It might prevent you from giving blood

If y'all wake up the morning of the local blood drive with a telltale tickle in your throat, consider calling to cancel your appointment. The Red Cross volition turn away donors who are not feeling well, and even "seasonal illnesses like the flu can affect a claret donor'due south ability to give," Merrill says. Information technology's an added precaution to keep both the people receiving the blood, every bit well as the other donors at the blood drive, good for you and disease-costless—which is crucial especially correct now.

Give your time besides as your blood

Donating blood is not the only way y'all can brand a divergence through the Red Cross. "Some other mode to help is past signing upwards to volunteer," Gustafson says. Volunteers make up about ninety pct of the American Red Cross workforce and reply to an average of more than than 62,000 disasters every twelvemonth, according to Gustafson. If y'all're interested in volunteering, visit to acquire more.

Come to your blood donation appointment prepared

The procedure of donating blood takes approximately one hour from start to finish, co-ordinate to Merrill. With that in mind, arriving prepared for your appointment is key to making the experience more comfortable for y'all. Merrill suggests wearing a t-shirt or top with sleeves that can be rolled upwards easily, in add-on to bringing along your favorite book, picture show, or music to help you relax.

You lot're never too quondam to donate blood

Near states crave claret donors to be at least 17 years onetime, simply there is no upper age limit for altruistic, according to Merrill. "In fact, many elderly individuals are some of our virtually dedicated blood donors, and nosotros encourage others to join them in helping ensure claret products are available for people in need," she says. Next, larn the middle-wrenching history of the moment that began the Cherry-red Cross.


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